Racism in South Africa Resort
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has sternly warned that racism will not be tolerated in South Africa, following an alleged racist incident at a resort in the Free State.

Those found guilty can face harsh consequences under the law, he said, according to a statement released by Vincent Magwenya, spokesperson to the president.

"Our Constitution means exactly what it says when it declares that South Africa – and that means all of South Africa – belongs to all who live in it," said President Ramaphosa.

"As black and white South Africans, we should be united in condemning all manifestations of racism and attempts to explain or defend such crimes. Racism is not a problem to be fought by black South Africans only," he added.

President Ramaphosa applauded the South African Police Service for investigating the case of suspected racism that took place at the Maselpoort Resort in the Free State on Christmas Day.

The case in question surrounds a video that has been circulating on social media platforms, which shows a group of white adults assaulting black teenage boys.

"It is deplorable that adults dealing with teenagers resort to violence with such disturbing ease, hurting people physically and offending provisions in our Bill of Rights around the security of the person, including the right to dignity and is free of violence," said Ramaphosa, as per the statement.

In the disturbing video footage, a white man is seen slapping a teenage boy and then shoving him around before throwing him back into the pool. When he tries to get up, the man tries to choke him.

As more white males jump into the fray, unsuccessfully trying to break up the fight, the video ends with one of them dragging the boy by the head into the pool.

The white adults involved in the altercation can be heard arguing that the boys are not allowed to use the swimming pool at the Maselpoort Resort in the Free State, which they say is 'reserved' for white users.

The South African Police Service is investigating the incident, and the men have been charged.

"All South Africans as well as all visitors alike, have the right to enjoy South Africa... we must connect with each other as we explore our country and also open our hearts and doors to welcome visitors from all over the world," South African Tourism said in the statement, Black Enterprise reported.