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Ecuador is one of the places most likely to be hit hardest by El Nino and amplified marine heatwaves

Adapt Now As Hotter Marine Heatwaves Hit: Scientists

Conservationists and the fishing and tourism industries must take pre-emptive measures to protect wildlife and livelihoods as the El Nino phenomenon amplifies marine heatwaves already made more intense and frequent by climate change, scientists said on Wednesday.
UN Climate Change chief Simon Stiell called on G20 leaders to send a 'very strong signal' on climate

G20 Shirking 'Critical' Climate Issues: UN Climate Chief

Statements by G20 ministers ahead of a key summit are "woefully inadequate" about addressing the climate emergency, the UN's climate change chief told AFP in an interview Wednesday, calling for stronger action from the nations responsible for most planet-heating pollution.
Novo Nordisk's market capitalisation has soared to 2.98 trillion kroner ($429 billion)

Obesity Drugs Give Danish Economy A Major Boost

Massive demand for diabetes and weight loss drugs made by Danish pharmaceutical group Novo Nordisk have turned it into Europe's most valuable company, giving Denmark's economy a major makeover.
Floods have struck central Greece's Volos

Rains Kill 11 In Mediterranean, East Europe

Storms that unleashed torrential flooding in Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria have killed at least 11 people, authorities said Wednesday, as extreme heat gave way to heavy rain.
Vice President Kamala Harris is representing the United States at the summits in Southeast Asia

Big Power Disputes Cast Shadow On Southeast Asia Summits

Southeast Asian leaders meet with top US, Chinese and Japanese officials at a series of summits in Indonesia on Wednesday, where big power rivalries and regional issues from the South China Sea to North Korean missiles will be on the table.
