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So-called 'mom-influencers' often cite personal testimonies to passionately endorse detox sprays or bath treatments, claiming without evidence that they help rid children of toxins

TikTok Moms Nurture 'Detox For Kids' Misinformation

A TikTok army of American moms claiming to be "detox" specialists is pushing unproven treatments for childhood behavioral disorders -- while hiding that their misinformation is actually a marketing campaign aimed at making money.
Inflation remains high in the UK as motor fuel prices rose in September

UK Inflation Stays Elevated In September

British inflation remained elevated in September, official data showed Wednesday, prolonging a cost-of-living crisis and stoking fear that UK interest rates could stay higher for longer.
Jim Jordan, pictures at the US Capitol on October 13, 2023, has voiced confidence that he can win 217 votes in the House

No Let Up In Speaker Fight For Paralyzed US Congress

The US House of Representatives entered a third week of paralysis Monday as Republicans struggled to unite behind a leader to end a bitter civil war that has stalled their domestic agenda and thwarted action on the Israel crisis.
