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NASA's thinking behind CLPS is to delegate the delivery of its lunar science hardware to the private sector, reducing costs to taxpayers as it prepares to return astronauts to the Moon under the flagship Artemis program later this decade

What To Know About The NASA-funded Commercial Moon Fleet

A first attempt under the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative ended in disappointing failure last month, but a second, led by Houston-based Intuitive Machines, will attempt on Thursday to return the United States to Moon for the first time in five decades.
Former US president Donald Trump compared his legal woes with the persecution of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Trump Compares Own Legal Troubles With Navalny Persecution

The former US president and current frontrunner for the 2024 nomination again refused to criticize Russian leader Vladimir Putin over Navalny's unexplained death, despite being offered the chance during a town hall meeting in South Carolina.
Former premier Shehbaz Sharif appears set to be Pakistan's next prime minister following a power-sharing agreement

Pakistan Parties Reach Power-sharing Agreement, Khan Loyalists Left Out

The army-backed Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) said they had settled days of negotiations on securing a majority to form a coalition government that will also include several smaller parties, after the February 8 polls returned no clear winner.
Hunter Biden walks back to the motorcade after visiting a jewelry store with his father US President Joe Biden in Greenville, Delaware, on December 18, 2023.

FBI Informant Got False Dirt On Bidens From Russia Intel: Prosecutors

Alexander Smirnov, 43, a dual US and Israeli national, was arrested last week and indicted for fabricating claims that Biden's son demanded multi-million-dollar bribes from Ukrainian firm Burisma -- on whose board he was serving at the time -- to protect it from an investigation when Biden was vice president.
Penpa Tsering, leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile, told AFP that Beijing's policies were squeezing his people 'like a python'

Beijing Crushing Tibetans, Exiled Political Leader Says

Tibetans on March 10 will commemorate the 1959 uprising against Chinese forces that led the future Nobel laureate -- and thousands of his followers -- to cross snowy Himalayan passes into neighboring India and set up a government in exile.
South Korea's general hospitals rely heavily on trainees for emergency operations and surgeries

Operations Cancelled As South Korea Doctors' Strike Grows

More than 8,800 junior doctors -- 71 percent of the trainee workforce -- have now quit, said Seoul's Second Vice Health Minister Park Min-soo, part of a spiraling protest against government plans to sharply increase medical school admissions.
Alexei Navalny's supporters said his mother Lyudmila was being refused access to his body

Navalny Team Says Mother Barred From Morgue

The mother of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is being refused access to his body for a third day, his team said on Monday as his widow prepared to meet European foreign ministers.
The Eiffel Tower was closed due to a strike

Eiffel Tower Closes As Staff Go On Strike

The Eiffel Tower, one of the world's top tourist attractions, was closed Monday after staff went on strike, unions told AFP. The strike, which was called to protest over the way the monument is managed financially, could be extended, they said.
