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Brazil's semi-arid Sertao region is home to a unique rodeo tradition known as "Pega de Boi no Mato" -- which roughly translates as the "Grab the Bull Bush Rodeo"

In Lula's Home State, Brazilian Rodeo Riders Lean Left

Northeastern Brazil's harsh, semi-arid Sertao region is the birthplace of this unique rodeo tradition, in which cowhands on horseback chase a charging bull through thick, cactus-strewn scrubland, racing to grab a leather tag from around his neck.
Gazans enjoy rare cinema show, urge cinemas be reopened

Film Festival Gives Gazans A Rare Taste Of The Movies

Cinema once flourished in Gaza, with audiences flocking to see Arab, Western and Asian films but the movie houses were torched in the First Intifada in 1987 and then burned down again in 1996 during another wave of internal violence.
Activists display placards in support of Iranian women during a demonstration in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Iran Doubles Toll To Eight Killed In Tehran Prison Fire

Authorities in the Islamic republic have blamed the fire late Saturday on "riots and clashes" among prisoners, but human rights groups said they doubted the official version of events and also feared the real toll could be even higher.
Turkish President Erdogan visits the coal mine after an explosion in Amasra in the northern Bartin province

Turkish Mine Blast Death Toll Rises To 41 - Erdogan

Authorities said Turkish prosecutors have launched an investigation into the cause of the incident but initial indications were that the blast was caused by firedamp, a term referring to methane in coal mines.
