Mourners carry the coffin of Tanzanian student Nemes Tarimo who died fighting for Russia in Ukraine

Tearful Tribute To Tanzanian Student Killed In Ukraine

Nemes Tarimo was serving a seven-year term for an undisclosed offence when Russia's Wagner mercenary group recruited him for payment and the promise he would be freed after the war, Tanzanian authorities said this week.
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is on his second trip to Africa in six months

Russia's Lavrov On Surprise Visit To Eritrea

Lavrov, on his second trip to Africa in six months, will meet President Isaias Afwerki to discuss "strengthening bilateral relations as well as regional developments of interest to the two countries", the ministry said.
Congo police scatter protesters denouncing slow M23 rebel pullback in Goma

UN Condemns M23 Rebel Offensive On Congo Town, Hundreds Flee

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Democratic Republic of Congo on Thursday condemned an offensive by M23 rebels in the east of the country that forced 450 people, including women and children, to seek refuge around its base in Kitshanga town.
