US Vice President Kamala Harris (L) announced security and economic assistence during a visit to Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo (R)

US VP Harris Brings Aid Package To Ghana On Africa Tour

The trip to Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia until April 2 follows a December summit hosted by President Joe Biden in Washington with leaders from Africa, where the US hopes to balance the rising influence of China and Russia.
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Kenya Police Bans New Opposition Protests

"The demonstrations they plan tomorrow (Monday) are illegal and will not be allowed," he said, adding that his force was ready to keep the peace and would arrest anyone carrying offensive weapons.
European Union - African Union summit in Brussels

US Says Tunisia President Weakened Checks And Balances

After years of efforts to build a democracy "what we've seen in the last year and a half is the government taking Tunisia in a very different direction," Leaf told Reuters, voicing Washington's clearest criticism of Saied to date.
