77th United Nations General Assembly in New York
New Zealands' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern addresses the 77th United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York City, New York, U.S., September 23, 2022. Reuters

Support for New Zealand's ruling Labour Party has dropped to its lowest level since Jacinda Ardern took over the leadership, an opinion poll released late on Sunday showed.

The closely watched Newshub-Reid Research poll showed support for Ardern's party at 32.3%, down 5.9 points since the last poll in May. Support for largest opposition party, National, is at 40.7%.

New Zealand is not due to go to the polls until late in 2023 but those figures would leave Labour and its traditional partners without enough support to form a coalition government.

Ardern told Newshub AM Show earlier Monday that she takes every single poll with a grain of salt and instead focuses on what she is hearing from New Zealanders.