The South African government condemned the Israeli police force's attack on Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa mosque on Wednesday.

"Police stormed the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, one of Islam's holiest sites, for the second time on Wednesday, hours after they first raided the compound and arrested hundreds of Palestinians despite condemnations from the Arab and Muslim world," CNN reported on Wednesday.

The statement issued by the government mentioned CNN's report, noting that at least 12 Palestinians were injured in the latest attack and 400 people were arrested.

"South Africa condemns these violent acts by the Israeli government against the worshipers and calls for calm and the withdrawal of the forces from the al-Aqsa mosque," the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) said, SA News reported.

"The use of stun grenades and tear gas on worshipers is unjust. These actions threaten the internationally agreed status quo in relation to Jerusalem and its sacred sites," DIRCO continued.

The statement further mentioned that Palestinian Muslim worshipers have the right to practice their religion without any intimidation or fear from the Israeli police.

DIRCO added that the al-Aqsa mosque belongs to everyone including Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians, noting that they don't need approval from Israeli police to pray in the mosque.

"These actions undermine all peace efforts and may lead to an explosion in the region," DIRCO said in the statement. "The year 2022 has been described as the deadliest year for Palestinians since the United Nations started tracking fatalities in 2005."

As per DIRCO, more than 200 Palestinians lost their lives in Israeli attacks last year.

"Israel as the occupying power has specific obligations in terms of the international human rights and humanitarian law to protect Palestinians," the department noted. "However, the Israeli government continues to breach these obligations with no accountability."

"The South African Government remains unequivocally committed to and values efforts aimed at reviving a political process, leading to ending the occupation so that the human rights of all are secured," the statement concluded.

A video of "Palestinians detained & zip-tied" by Israel police force was shared by a journalist named Mohammad Shehada on Twitter.

"An endless line of Palestinians detained & zip-tied by #Israel's Magav force last night; keeping their heads down; some beaten arbitrarily by Israeli soldiers to frighten the rest!" he captioned the post. "Many were wounded from the police raid & denied medical attention... Dehumanization at its peak!"

A Twitter user shared another video, where Israel's soldiers can be seen inside Al Aqsa Mosque beating unarmed Palestinians.

Israeli police, on the other hand, shared a statement revealing that the forces entered the mosque after "hundreds of rioters and mosque desecrators (had) barricaded themselves" inside, CNN reported.

"When the police entered, stones were thrown at them, and fireworks were fired from inside the mosque by a large group of agitators," Israeli police added.

General elections in Israel